Volunteers are a vital part in the YMCA. Without our volunteers, every aspect of our events and programs would not be successful. Every single volunteer that commits their time and efforts to a Y program is helping change a life. Small interactions that volunteers may think are little in the grand scheme of things, like a simple “hello”, are not so simple when it comes to participants in our races or programs. Having a volunteer reach out and connect with others could be the conversation that helps a participant return the next week. The dedication of our volunteers is extremely vital to the success of our training programs, races and other Y programming. We can’t thank our volunteers enough for spending their time with us and helping change lives.
Within our Race Series, we have hundreds of volunteers to make our races successful. In any given year, we have 10 volunteers help beginners and returners successfully complete our Jump Start program that begins in May. Our 13 week, Team 13 program needs 45+ volunteers to help with registration, weekly pacing, road safety management, supplying water stations and provide inspirational words to our participants. Our Race Series (5K/10K, 15K and Evansville Half Marathon) need 350+ volunteers to set up, tear down, supply water stations, provide traffic control, pace teams, cheer sections and so much more.
A quick calculation shows that we need over 400+ volunteers to make our programs successful! If you or your company would like to get involved in volunteering efforts with our training programs, races, water stations or other Y programming, please reach out to Matt Gray at gray@ymcaswin.org